If TI loses it can be forced to pay large sums of money (memberships' money), which the TI board and WHQ are duty bound to protect.
如果世界总会败诉的话,将会被迫付出大笔的金钱(会员的财产),而保护这些会员的财产是理事会跟世界总会所责无旁贷的。 |
If Taiwanese consistently maintain a humble, compassionate mentality but give up on efforts to communicate due to a disadvantage in having to use Mandarin to express ourselves, then we'll never get to the bottom of the 228 Incident.
如果台湾人还是抱持一贯谦虚、仁慈的心态,北京话表达,我们又处于劣势,就因此而放弃不再努力的话,二二八的真相恐怕永远没有水落石出的一天。 |
If The Mode Fails, Offer Two Options. Quit Or Run In A Window.
如果所请求的全屏幕模式不被支持,那么将弹出一个消息框,你可以选择使用窗口模式或退出。 |
If The Other Club is a place for the political elite to enjoy their aristocratic ⑨ tastes in leisure, then the practice of the Pancake Race is purely a folk custom.
总之,如果说“别人俱乐部”是一个少数政界要人享受的具有贵族品味的休闲方式,那么,“薄饼赛跑”则纯粹是一项大众化的活动。 |
If The Rocket pitches at anything like the level of the last two seasons, he won't have that non-support issue in the Bronx.
如果火箭人投球程度与前两个球季一样,他在洋基不会没有后援的问题。 |
If Tiger stays hungry, who knows how good he can be.
如果老虎一直不满足的话,谁知道他以后会多麽厉害。 |
If Tom Cruise is looking for a recipe for eating his daughter's placenta, smoothies, stir fry and spaghetti are some recommendations.
如果汤姆克鲁斯要吃女儿的胎盘的话,我们推荐他可以就着果汁刨冰、炒菜和通心粉一起吃更好。 |
If Tom cannot keep his promise, he'll lose face.
如果汤姆不能信守诺言,他就会丢面子。 |
If Tom's cold is still bad,tell him to try this medicine.It's second to none.
如果汤姆的感冒仍然很严重,让他尝试一下这种药。这是最好的药。 |
If U could open up 2 me,Oh.
只要你愿意为我敞开你的心扉。 |
If U could see the lover in me.
如果你能看见我心中的爱人。 |