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Nine times out of ten, students who do well in school find good jobs.

Nine pages also go to justifying the 2003 invasion of Iraq. 还用了9页证明了2003年对伊拉克的入侵是正当的。
Nine patients (17.3%) received blood transfusion. 9名患者(17.3%)接受输血。
Nine people came in and the reminder stayed outside. 9个人进来,余下的人留在外面。
Nine people died in a deadly fire at a Dominican Republic nightclub. 多米尼加共和国某夜总会,有9人死于一场大火。
Nine tenths of education is encouragement. 教育的十分之九在于鼓励。
Nine times out of ten, students who do well in school find good jobs. 在学校表现不错的同学十有八九都找到了好工作。
Nine times these words are repeated in Leviticus. 在利未记里这些话反复述说了有九次之多。
Nine trade negotiation committees have been created in order to develop institutional issues, ensure participation from all countries and facilitate the necessary negotiations needed for the formation of the free trade agreement. 它建立了9个商讨委员会来开展制度事务,确保各个国家的参与并推动自由贸易协议建立的必要谈判。
Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow. 九根木头在大锅炉里面,猛烈或缓慢地燃烧着它们。
Nine yars since it has been founded, due to the continuous efforts on innovation, the absorption of advanced design conceptions, the scientific managing pattern, and the strict self-requirements, the company's development is improving day by day and it ha 自成立9年以来,通过坚持不懈的努力创新,引进和吸收先进设计理念、科学化的管理模式,以及对自身的严格要求,使得公司的发展日新月异,目前已跻身于设计行业的前沿。
Nine years ago, he was banned from naming a previous son Saddam Hussein. 同是这位父亲,9年前曾为他的另一名儿子取名萨达姆·侯赛因,被法庭颁令禁止。

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