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The ship's deck was awash in the storm.

The ship will take ten weeks to reach its destination. 这艘要花十个星期的时间抵达目的地。
The ship will unlade her cargo today. 这艘船今天将卸下它的船货。
The ship's captain performed the wedding ceremony. 船长举行了婚礼。
The ship's company assembled on deck for inspection. 全体船员到甲板上集合,以备检阅。
The ship's crew struck. 这艘船的船员罢工了。
The ship's deck was awash in the storm. 在暴风中轮船的甲板被海水漫过.
The ship's design has probably changed little since Chinese admiral Zheng He commanded a massive fleet of junks during seven epic voyages—the first of which was launched 600 years ago this month. 自从郑和于600年前率领庞大船队展开七趟西洋之行以来,这种中国船的设计八成没什么改变。
The ship's firemen went on strike and there was no one to fire. 船上的司炉工人在闹罢工,以致没有人司炉。
The ship's foghorn boomed out. 船上的浓雾信号角发出呜呜声。
The ship's front and rear are guarded by five turbolaser batteries per facing. 船的前方和后方各由5门涡轮激光炮保护。
The ship's hold is built in watertight compartments. 船舱建造成许多不漏水的隔间。

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