Moor, Wilbert. E, Global Sociology: the World as a Singular System, American Journal of Sociology, 1966, Vol. LXXI,No. 5, pp. 475 - 490. |
中文意思: 伊曼纽尔·沃勒斯坦:《现代世界体系》第一卷,龙来寅等译,[北京]高等教育出版社1998年版,第461页,第462页,第463页,第464页,第465页,第466页. |
Moonlight was my homeward escort.
月光是我归途上的护卫人。 |
Moons will have a very important function in the game, because the position of each moon influences the game regarding Dark and Light alignments, in mana regeneration for instance.
月亮有非常重要的作用,因为月亮在各个方位都会对黑暗和光明两个阵营产生一定的影响力,比如魔法恢复速度等等。 |
Moonsha Lounge offers an extensive martini menu and wine selection with an array of fusion light culinary snacks.
多种马天尼与红酒,加之精致的点心,为您提供上佳选择。 |
Moonstone: Absorbs pain and illness. Regenerates the tissues and organs. Heals reproductive system. 4th chakra.
月长石:吸收疾病和痛苦。使组织和器官再生,有助于再生系统。用于第四个穴位。 |
Moor MB, McCulley JP. Radial keratitis as a presenting sign in acanthamoeba keratitis[J].Ophthalmology, 1986; 93:1321.
孙秉基,贺焱,朱磊,等.环形浸润在棘阿米巴性角膜炎诊断与治疗中的临床价值[J].美国医学会眼科杂志中文版,2000;12(1):40-42. |
Moor, Wilbert. E, Global Sociology: the World as a Singular System, American Journal of Sociology, 1966, Vol. LXXI,No. 5, pp. 475 - 490.
伊曼纽尔·沃勒斯坦:《现代世界体系》第一卷,龙来寅等译,[北京]高等教育出版社1998年版,第461页,第462页,第463页,第464页,第465页,第466页. |
Moore J, Brooks P, Milliken S, et al. A pilot randomized trial comparing CD34-selected versus unmanipulated hemopoietic stem cell transplantation for severe, refractory RA. Arthritis Rheum 2002,46(9):2301-9.
冷晓梅、赵岩、唐福林等,自体外周血干细胞移植治疗难治性类风湿关节炎一例。中华医学杂志2002,82(11):748-51. |
Moore did not publish it under his name until 1844.
一直到1844年,摩尔才正式署名发表这篇作品。 |
Moore estimates have been produced to date, nearly every one has been built on the “ground level,” directly on the surface of silicon crystals.
半导体工程师完成了一项令人意想不到的成就,就是让微晶片里的电晶体密度加倍成长,这在业界称为「摩尔定律」。 |
Moore herself is a supporter of animal charities. She adopted her dog Ripple last year from the Southport-Oak Island Animal Rescue.
而莫尔自己就是动物慈善事业的支持者。她现在的宠物狗里普尔就是去年从绍斯波特-奥克拯救流浪动物协会领养的。 |
Moore is one of an estimated 15 million-plus Americans seen as devoted followers of dieting guru Dr.
莫尔是营养大师罗伯特·阿特金斯的1500多万美国忠实追随者之一。 |