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Price policy across different market segments.

Price is turning high(low). 价格上涨(下跌)。
Price much too high cannot persuade buyer. 价格太高,无法说服买方。
Price of Forest Troll Shadow Priest changed from 155 to 200. 树魔影子牧师的价格从155调整为200。
Price of Periapt-of-Life changed from 400 to 500. 卡嘉医疗宝石的价格由原来的400调整到500。
Price of selling the Bid Invitation Documents: a non-refundable payment of each pack RMB400 or USD50 per set, an extra RMB50 (domestic) or USD50 (abroad) for express mail service. 标书售价:每个分包50美元或400元人民币/每套(国外邮购另付50美元、国内邮购另付50元人民币),标书售后不退。
Price policy across different market segments. 不同市场的价格细分。
Price policy concerning volume producers. 根据公司产值的多少制定价格政策。
Price prohibitive of business as buyer market prevailing here 贵公司报价太高无法成交,此地目前是买方市场的天下。
Price reversals exist in both the loser portfolio in bull market and the winner portfolio in bear market. 而牛市中的输家组合和熊市中的底家组合都存在着价格的反转。
Price rise when the government prints too much money. 政府发行货币过多会引起物价上涨。
Price stability allows that invention to work with minimal friction. 价格稳定允许这项发明以最小的摩擦发挥作用。

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