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There are even memory sticks or flash drives secured with built-in thumbprint scanners.

There are estimate d to be more than 20,000 overseas domestic servants working in Britain (the exact figure is not known because the Home Office, the Government department that deals with this, does not keep statistics). 据统计,在美国工作的外籍家庭佣人有两万多人(由于处理该项事务的政府部门————内政部——没有做过统计,精确数字不得而知)。
There are even a few tall office buildings sprouting in Kabul these days, and one enterprising British businessman is setting up a venture-capital fund to invest in anything from gem-mining to the export of saffron. 如今,一些高层写字楼出现在喀布尔市内,一名富有魄力的英国商人正建立一支风险基金用以投资阿富汗的各项事业,无论是宝石矿采还是藏红花出口。
There are even cases wherein the salaries are always delayed and other anomalies are committed. 甚至有些案例是,薪资被延迟或不正常发放。
There are even companies that claim private ownership over natural food varieties through genetic modification. 甚至还有一些公司声称拥有通过基因改良技术生产各种不同类的天然食品的私人技术。
There are even many accessible works in which the symmetrical forms of pure geometry, or of other areas of pure mathematics, can be made very accessible even to the mathematically unsophisticated reader. 对于那些了解简单数学的读者来说,数学上有众多纯粹几何的对称形式也许比较容易理解。
There are even memory sticks or flash drives secured with built-in thumbprint scanners. 甚至已经出现了内置拇指指纹扫描装置的记忆棒与闪存盘。
There are even miniature manure piles. 模型里甚至还有小型的粪堆。
There are even plans to put GPS receivers on all the taxis in Beijing in time for the 2008 Olympics. 为了2008年奥运会,北京甚至计划在所有的出租车上安装GPS接收器。
There are even small children trudging down the road, carrying heavy plastic jugs. 甚至还有一些小孩在路上艰难地走着,背着沉重的塑料壶。
There are even species of snail that float around in the water trailing big transparent nets of fine mucus, to trap bacteria and other organisms. 那儿甚至有蛇类在水中到处浮动,以纯粘液拖曳出大而透明的网,作为陷阱诱捉细菌及其他有机生物。
There are even the occasional backward steps: you can skip over the trailers when watching a film on video, but for some reason you are not allowed to do so when watching a DVD. 甚至有时候技术的发展不进反推:你在看录像时可以跳过预告片,但是欣赏DVD时,出于某种原因你不得不耐着性子把它看完。

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