“Laid-off Worker's Income Determine, Class Identification and Social Stability in Mainland China”, in Liuzhaojia, Yinbaoshan, Limingkun, Huangshaolun(editor), Social Stratification in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China.p535-556.
“中国内地下岗职工的收入决定、阶层认同与社会稳定”,载刘兆佳、尹宝珊、李明堃、黄绍伦编:《香港、台湾和中国内地的社会阶级变迁》,香港中文大学亚太研究所出版。2004。 |
“Langyatai” brand cider has rich nutrition, such as Ca2+, P3+, K+, Fe2+, lactochrome and nicotinic acid etc. and all kinds of vitamin being beneficial to body, all above are creamed from apple, meanwhile, after low-temperature fermentation, some organic n
琅琊台苹果酒营养丰富,提炼了苹果的主要精华,如苹果中的钙、磷、铁、钾、核黄素和尼可酸等二十多种微量元素,以及各种对人体有益的维生素.同时经过低温生化发酵,生成了低糖类高蛋白等各种有机营养物质,如苹果酸,琥珀酸,酒石酸及17种氨基酸和高能量高营养的醇酯等。 |
“Langyatai” brand cider is made from high quality apples on basis of advanced technology, then pressed fresh apple juice and gone through long-term fermentation, with no water and any additives, so it is green, nature good beverage.
琅琊台苹果酒采用国际先进工艺技术,以优质苹果为原料,榨出新鲜果汁,经发酵酿制而成,不加一滴水,无任何添加剂,属绿色天然佳酿。 |
“Larento﹒Weichen ”—— Classical,Imperatorial ,and the life taste which representative one empire of the Fashion.
“老人头﹒威臣”——经典至尊,品味人生,代表着一个时尚帝国。 |
“Large negative pivot value(-2.02825928)in Eqn. System.May be because of a bad temperature-dependent material property used in the model.
不知为啥出现负值,修改了约束,载荷反正还是不行,请大哥们帮我看一下,啥地方出问题了? |
“Last but not leastis regarded as a hackneyed expression.
“最后的但并非最不重要的一点这个词组被认为是陈词烂调了。 |
“Last season we had Crespo who is a very good player but was without continuous motivation day after day.
“上个赛季中我们有克雷斯波这样很好的球员,但是他没有保持持续的兴奋状态。 |
“Last week's revaluation has removed a lot of the uncertainty premium,” said Mr Baig.
“上周人民币升值已消除了大量不确定性溢价。” |
“Last year there were several European clubs interested in his services. We had a pre-contract with Lyon, but the transfer failed because of the summer scandal,” explained the agent.
“上赛季,好几家欧洲的球会对他发表的兴趣。我们与里昂草签了合同,但是转会因夏季丑闻而失败,”这名经纪人继续说道。 |
“Laughter is the jam on the toast of life.It adds flavor,keeps it from being too dry and makes it easier to swallow.
欢笑犹如烤面包上的果酱,给人生增添滋味,使它不至于干瘪,还使它容易下咽。 |
“Launch control, this is Houston, we're go for launch.
“发射中心,这是休斯敦,准备发射。” |