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Yeah, he shall come here personally.

Yeah, but this job is worth it. (是,但是这份工作值得去做。)
Yeah, but when did we schedule family values? 对,我们什么时候安排要谈家庭价值观?
Yeah, but, I mean, one dance? 是的我知道,但是,就一支?
Yeah, for sure. I'm a Gemini, and they're supposed to be really smart. 当然,我是双子座,而且双子座的人都非常聪明。
Yeah, fully collapsible, easy to carry. 是的,完全折叠,携带方便。
Yeah, he shall come here personally. 是的,他必须得亲自到这里来。
Yeah, i can identify with that, John,your idea seems completely reasonable to me. 对,这一点我也认同。约翰,你的想法在我看来非常有道理。
Yeah, if it's not too far away. 如果不太远的话,那好。
Yeah, in durability, it has effect, it was the best. 是的,耐受性高,也具有确切的疗效,是最好的。
Yeah, it might be flooded with onlookers and some curious customers but probably not enough to replace those who find it repulsive. 是啊,也许会有很多路人围观或好奇上门的客人,但那些人恐怕补不足被鬼屋吓跑的客源。
Yeah, it was difficult in the beginning. 是的,开始的时候很难。

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