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It is this capacity to surprise that helps make the World Cup such a gripping event.

It is these small tumors that should probably be treated by partial nephrectomy, rather than the radical procedure. 就是这些小肿瘤可以采用部分切除法而不是采取完全切除法。
It is thinking: “I must ...”that makes us taste the terrible flavour of failure. 我们总是想我必须做到什么……。殊不知正是这种想法才让我们屡屡品尝失败的苦涩。
It is this Creator who is our God. 这位造物主就是我们的上帝。
It is this binary representation that is used in the index entry when a number column is indexed. 当数字列建立索引时,正是这个二进制表示用于索引项中。
It is this blessed nearness of God which can enable me to abide in His love at all times, even in the busiest moments of my life, praying without ceasing, in entire dependence on Him. 这是每位神的儿女渴慕的,让圣灵住在他里面,保守他常在神的爱里,就如整天为阳光所保守,这是何等有福,只要亲近神就能使我们永远在神的爱里,即使是忙碌的生活也不断的祈祷;依靠他的帮助。
It is this capacity to surprise that helps make the World Cup such a gripping event. 正是这些意料之外,使世界杯如此地扣人心弦。
It is this childlike wonder that gives enthusiastic people such a youthful air, whatever their age. 正是这孩子似的探索心理赋予热情的人年轻的气质,无论他们的年龄有多大。
It is this coin that will see out the Schilling currency when the Euro coins and banknotes are issued in 2002. 铜币将一直流通到欧元纸币和硬币开始发行的2002年。
It is this conjecture that falls outside the usual formulation of quantum mechanics. 这个猜想的确超出了量子力学的一般概念。
It is this elevated level of performance which is the main justification for using the group process rather than a simple group of staff. 这种团队表现的提升是为何要采用团队工作程序而不是仅仅把一群普通的员工集合到一起的最主要理由。
It is this energetic feedback and element of anticipation that gives jazz its incredible dynamism. 正是这种充满活力的回应和充满期待的成分赋予了爵士乐不可思议的活力。

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