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He had become world famous long before he died.

He had barely resumed his seat, and arranged his face into what he hoped was a relaxed and unfazed expression, when bright green flames burst into life in the empty grate beneath his marble mantelpiece. 他刚来得及回到座位,换上一幅故作轻松的表情,他的大理石壁炉架下面就窜起一团亮绿色的火焰。
He had beaten his victim's head to a jelly with a hammer. 他用槌子把受害者的头打成酱了。
He had become a master of easion: his main response to criticism is to threaten, filibuster and delay. 他一是个回避问题的老手:其回应批评的主要办法是一威胁、二阻扰、三拖延。
He had become a master of evasion: his main response to criticism is to threaten, filibuster and delay. 他一是个回避问题的老手:其回应批评的主要办法是一威胁、二阻扰、三拖延。
He had become frightfully cunning. Wendy,he said, how we should all respect you. 彼得狡猾极了。“温迪,”他说,“我们会多么尊敬你呀。”
He had become world famous long before he died. 在他去世前很久,他便闻名于世了。
He had beeb embared for two years. 他被囚禁了两年。
He had been Governor of a British Protectorate. 他做过英国保护领地的总督.
He had been a Party secretary before the war and he understood such things. 他在战争以前,曾经担任过党委书记,[他]当然知道怎么样处理这一类的事情。
He had been a dog butcher for years, and finally opened his own restaurant. 他屠狗为生多年,最后还开起了自己的狗肉店。
He had been applying for a scholarship and he won at last. 他一直在申请奖学金并终于获得了。

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