The defence lawyer covinced us the defendant was innocent with his strong eloquence and clearly concise analysis of law.
那位辩护律师运用雄辩的口才和简明扼要的法律分析来证明被告是无罪的。 |
The defence lawyers weren't confident but in the end we managed to beat the rap.
虽然辩护律师曾感到没有把握,但我们最后还是设法逃过了刑罚。 |
The defence of the country is everyone's affair.
国家兴亡,匹夫有责。 |
The defence rests.
被告陈述完毕. |
The defence retreats more quickly than the midfield so there is too little cover in front of it and the defenders becomes horribly exposed.
后防线撤退的会比中场线快的多,所以这样就会让使得后防线得到机少的掩护,以至于防守球员直接被暴露在对方面前。 |
The defence secretary has responsibility for the upkeep of the armed forces.
国防部长对管理军队有责任。 |
The defences are kept in readiness for an enemy attack.
防御工事已预备好应付敌人进攻。 |
The defences are kept in readiness for any enemy attack.
防御工事已筑好,准备对付敌人进攻。 |
The defend lawer used his eloquence and simple legal analysis to prove the defendant innocent.
那位辩护律师运用雄辩的口才和简明扼要的法律分析来证明被告是无罪的。 |
The defendant colluded with the plaintiff.
被告与原告串通。 |
The defendant decided to cop a plea in order to get a lighter sentence.
被告人决定认罪以求从轻处理。 |