Violent criminals like that are a danger to society.
那种暴力罪犯对社会是一种危害。 |
Violent exercise might help to shake him out of his disappointment in love.
剧烈运动可能会帮助他从失恋中解脱出来。 |
Violent fans bring discredit on their teams.
粗野的球迷给他们的球队丢脸。 |
Violent films have great effect on preschool children.
暴力电影对学龄前儿童的影响很大。 |
Violent films have great effects on preschool children.
暴力电影对学龄前的儿童影响很大. |
Violent fires soon burn out.
野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。 |
Violent groups generally have overt belief systems that emphasize their superiority over others.
一般而言,施暴的一群都有公开的信仰系统,强调他们与众不同,高人一等。 |
Violent prisoners are kept separate from the others.
有暴力行为的囚犯隔离囚禁. |
Violent prisoners are kept separate from the others.
有暴力行为的囚犯隔离囚禁。 |
Violet chins have only two violet genes, because they are recessive. you must breed a violet to another violet or violet carrier to get violet offspring.
紫罗兰---含2个紫罗兰隐性基.必须是两个紫罗兰龙猫,或者一个紫罗兰龙猫和另外一个携带紫罗兰基因的龙猫才能否繁殖出紫罗兰色的龙猫. |
Violet. Special aroma of certain wines resembling the perfume of violets.
紫罗兰:某些葡萄酒所具有的与紫罗兰香气类似的特殊果香。 |