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The final presentation will involve showing and discussing these stories with a panel of guests invited to the last class.

The final payment for the company will be about $1bn, but people familiar with the sale process said the payment would be staggered, with only half paid up front and the rest paid over three years, depending on improvements in operating standards at 65 Tr 沃尔玛最终将向好又多公司支付约10亿美元,但知情人士表示,支付款项将分期完成,首期仅支付一半,其余则根据好又多65家门店经营标准的改善状况,在三年内付清。
The final penalty could still change when the case is eventually heard by a Helsinki court, as was the case with Nokia executive Anssi Vanjoki, whose 116,000-euro speeding fine was slashed by 95 percent in 2002 due to a drop in income. 此案经赫尔辛基法院最后听证后,最终罚款的数额可能有所变动,就像诺基亚部门经理安西·瓦纽基的案子那样,他因超速被罚11.6万欧元,但由于在2002年其收入降低,罚款额剧减了95%。
The final phase in a bull move is an accelerated runaway near the top. 一个牛市运动的最后阶段是一场接近顶部的加速赛跑。
The final piece of the new Stamford Bridge story proved to have one more hurdle to overcome. 斯坦福桥球场改建工作的最后阶段遇到了些麻烦。
The final preparation phase prior to major competition. 最后的准备阶段先于主要的比赛。
The final presentation will involve showing and discussing these stories with a panel of guests invited to the last class. 期末报告是对受邀参与最后一堂课的来宾展示成果,并讨论这些故事。
The final product does not use silicon nor does it involve heavy metals. 最终的产品并不使用硅材料和重金属。
The final projects are the culmination of the semester's work, and find eleven MIT students exploring themes of peace in an unpeaceful time, in their work listed below. 这些专题是学期成果的整合呈现,十一位麻省理工学生在下列的作品中探索了“在不平静中时代中的和谐”的主题。
The final proposals were a rather unsuccessful compromise between the need for profitability and the demands of local conservationists. 最终的方案是受益者和地区自然资源保护者之间颇为勉强的相互妥协.
The final purpose of the course is enhance their proud in our Chinese culture and cultivate their patriotism. 最终目的是为了增强民族文化自豪感,培养学生的爱国主义情操。
The final pursuit of economic expansions is human life and harmonious developments of livelihood. 以人为本,关注人的生命和生活的和谐发展才是经济发展的最后追求。

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