She can see over the wall because of her height .
她个子高,能看到墙的那一边. |
She can see over the wall because of her height.
她个子高, 能看到墙的那一边. |
She can shrug off her troubles and keep smiling.
她能够把烦恼置之度外而依旧保持笑容。 |
She can sing English songs.
(她会唱英语歌。) |
She can sit reading for hours together.
她能连续几个小时坐在那儿看书. |
She can speak Japanese as well as English.
她会说日语和英语。 |
She can speak some good words insincerely.
她很会讲一些言不由衷的好听话。 |
She can speak the Queen's English fluently.
她能说一口流利的标准英语。 |
She can speak three languages.
她会说三种语言。 |
She can still call up scenes of childhood.
她仍能想起儿时的情景。 |
She can tell he is upset but mistakenly assumes he doesn't care about her because he isn't talking to her.
她可以看出他的难过,但会错误地猜测是他不关心她,因为他没跟她讲话。 |