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Gather the necessary installation tools: you will need a column cutter, column nuts, ferrules, a magnifying loop, and typewriter correction fluid.

Gather everything you need to talk about and take care of it at one sitting rather than interrupting each other the minute something comes up. 把所有你需要谈的事情一次性都讨论完毕,这比每次都花上几分钟时间来打断你好很多。
Gather forth the White Oil, the Black Cup and the Blood of the Ten Sinners. 在我面前放下白油,黑色的杯子和十个罪人的鲜血。
Gather it all in a bunch of heather,then she'll be a true love of mine. 心里漫溢疯狂的快乐,荒野上开满了紫色的石南花;这里没有荒野,有的只是石南花。
Gather more intelligence (even just into your own feelings) before proceeding. 即使只是出于你自己的感觉,也要在进行之前反复使用你的智慧。
Gather round (ie Form a group round me) and listen, children! 孩子们, 围拢过来听我说!
Gather the necessary installation tools: you will need a column cutter, column nuts, ferrules, a magnifying loop, and typewriter correction fluid. 收集必要的安装工具:柱切割器、柱螺母、垫圈、放大镜、打字机改正液。
Gather the people, consecrate the assembly; bring together the elders, gather the children, those nursing at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber. 16聚集众民,使会众自洁,招聚老者,聚集孩童,和吃奶的。使新郎出离洞房,新妇出离内室。
Gather up the leaves and put them with the rest of the trash. 把树叶堆积起来,与其它废物放在一起。
Gather up thy wares out of the land, O inhabitant of the fortress. 17受围困的人哪,当收拾你的财物,从国中带出去。
Gather up your belongings to leave the land, you who live under siege. 17受围困的人哪,当收拾你的财物,从国中带出去。
Gather up your bundle from the ground, O inhabitant under siege. 17受围困的居民哪,从地上收拾你的包袱罢。

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