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But Rome had chosen comfort over common sense, and with the Ponte Sisto taken early, there was nothing to stop them.

But Robben was quick to shoot down suggestions that the Premiership champions have evolved into a dirty team. 但是罗本很快否认了外界对于卫冕英超冠军是一支球风粗野肮脏球队的看法。
But Rocchi said after last night's derby stalemate: I am happy here at Lazio, I will consider my situation when the championship ends. We hope to reach third-place. 但是罗基在对罗马的平局后说道:我现在拉齐奥非常开心,在赛季结束以后我将会考虑我自己的情况.我们希望能够取得第三名.
But Roh Moo-hyun has other priorities. 但卢武铉却有其它的优先处理事项。
But Rolex thrived in the face of disruptive technologies. 但劳力士在面临破坏性技术的蓬勃发展.
But Rolling Stone Keith Richards, now 58, may have had too many cholesterol loaded meals and smoked too many cigarettes. 但是滚石乐队现年58岁的基思·理查兹或许因食用大量高胆固醇食品和过度吸烟而看上去要老得多。
But Rome had chosen comfort over common sense, and with the Ponte Sisto taken early, there was nothing to stop them. 但罗马尚存侥幸,西克斯图桥早早被攻占之后,再也没有什么能阻挡敌军了。
But Romeo pleaded with Friar Laurence, and finally convinced him that he and Juliet really were very much in love. 罗密欧向他再三地恳求,最后终于使他相信了他们是真正的恋爱著。
But Ru imperial tribute wares and Jun Kiln pots show a similar style with the imitations of ancient bronzes. 同时得宋瓷成就,质地如玉,温润高雅,倍受重视和喜爱。
But Russia is not the only great power the US must worry about. 但是俄罗斯并不是现在美国所需要担心的力量。
But Russia's icy defender proved them wrong. 但俄罗斯的冰雪战士证明他们错了。
But Russia's policy in the Middle East, and its flirtation with China, are also part of the quest for great-power status. 其基本原则是俄罗斯与生俱来就应该成为强国,纵然面对西方干扰与阻碍的企图,这种伟大的强国之梦也必须得到实现。

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