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Robbing graves is grisly.

Robbie Savage - World rejoices as snake bites Savage and he dies of snakebite. 萨维奇――被蛇咬了一口,不治身亡。全世界为之欣喜若狂。
Robbie Williams has beaten the likes of Elton John, Madonna, David Bowie and Elvis Presley to the title of Best Live Solo Artist of All Time. 在一次名为嘉灵音乐调查的活动中,罗比·威廉姆斯击败了埃尔顿·约翰,麦当娜,大卫·鲍伊及猫王等众明星,荣膺历史最佳现场独唱艺人的称号。
Robbie: Hey, why don\'t we go out for a cheeseburger and french fries? That\'ll cheer you up. And you can use my Walkman. 嘿,我们何不出去吃一顿奶酪汉堡和炸薯条?这样会让你舒畅些。可以用我的随身听。
Robbie: I'm writing an article on the feelings about graduation. 我在写一篇关于毕业感觉的文章。
Robbie: Would you be able to come over Saturday night? 罗比:星期六晚上你能过来吗?
Robbing graves is grisly. 盗墓是可怕的。
Robert Atkins, who recommends eating a diet high in protein for those who want to lose weight and keep it off. 阿特金斯提出高蛋白的饮食结构有助于减肥和保持体型。
Robert Bigelow made millions in real estate, and he\'s spending a big chunk of it on trying to develop a module that\'s placed in orbit by a rocket then inflated to become a space hotel, a laboratory, or an astronaut training facility. 地产巨头罗伯特·本杰罗打算斥巨资建造一个商用空间站,用火箭将一个原型舱送入地球轨道,之后膨胀为一个太空旅馆、实验室或是宇航员的训练设施。
Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point with a degree in general science, and an airborne, ranger infantry veteran of the Vietnam War. 小罗伯特.鲍伊.约翰逊为美国西点军校的普通科学学位毕业生,越战的空降突击队老步兵。
Robert Butt's notes describe Jane's trance state. 罗伯特·布茨的注解描述了简的恍惚状态。
Robert C Gauthier, Mike Ashman, Athanasios Frangioudakis, Hawie Mende and Shanjun Ma, Radiation-pressure-based Cylindrically Shaped Microactuator Capable of Smooth, Continuous, Reversible and Stepped Rotation, Applied Optics, Vol.38, No.22 (1999) 4850—486 马善钧,徐学翔,空间飞行体与压缩区内等离子体非稳态相互作用的数值模拟,空间科学学报,第21卷,第4期,(2001)305--310。

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