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Another said: I bet that is also a parable.

Another resident, Wei Yangxian, said: If you had come five days earlier you would have seen a sandstorm blanketing our village. 另一位村民说,如果你们5天前来,就能看到整个村子都被一场沙尘暴给覆盖了。
Another respondent said our question was “an insult to the millions of first-rate American IT professionals who have lost their jobs to offshoring. 另一些参与者的回答是“无数的美国一流的IT专家丢了工作跑到国外,这是耻辱。”
Another result was the gradual weakening of the link between the two states of consciousness - that of the spirit and that of the individual. 另一个结果是意识的两种状态——灵的意识和个人的意识之间的联系逐渐减弱。
Another right-back, Benfica's Miguel, is also struggling to gain a release from his contract. 另一个右后卫-米格尔,也在努力获得自由身。
Another said, Yes, me too. I've got hundreds living in my belfry and in the attic. I've been had the place fumigated, and they still won't go away. 另外一位说:“是啊,我也是。在我的钟楼和阁楼也有好几百只。我曾经请人把整个地方用烟熏消毒一遍,它们还是赶不走。”
Another said: I bet that is also a parable. 某乙说:我打赌这话也是个譬喻。
Another says that it is a variant of a figure eight that appeared on the Spanish Peso, standing for the pieces of eight. 还有一种说法是,它是数字“8”的变体,“8”曾经出现在西班牙比索上,代表“八片币”。
Another says that, if she was in charge, she would “try to remember who works for me, and why, and their names; show some interest in what they have to say and actually try to act on it; be less aloof and proud and feel free to admit when I am wrong or ne 另一位员工表示,如果她是主管,她会“努力记住为我工作的是谁,他们为什么为我工作,以及他们的名字;对他们想要表达的想法表现出兴趣,并采取相应的实际行动;少一点冷淡和孤傲,在我犯错误或需要帮助的时候,坦然承认。”
Another scientist cured type 1 diabetes in rats with a nanoengineered device that uses seven-nanometer pores to controllably release insulin while blocking antibodies. 另一位科学家利用奈米设计的装置,在大鼠身上治愈了第一型糖尿病;该装置具有七奈米大小的孔洞,可调节胰岛素的释放,还可阻断抗体的侵犯。
Another season in the Reserves promised nothing more than stagnation and the suffocation of an obvious talent, while the step up to Sir Alex Ferguson's first team may have been too soon. 这样一名有才华的年轻人不能只在预备队碌碌无为的度过一个又一个赛季而通往福格森的一线队的道路却遥遥无期。
Another seemed to show a larger piece of debris peeling off the exterior fuel tank. 另外一部摄像机还拍摄到有一块更大的碎片从飞机外挂燃料箱脱落。

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