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He did that against us, even though the first goal was a close offside decision.

He deprives the trusted ones of speech And takes away the discernment of the elders. 伯12:20他废去忠信人的讲论、又夺去老人的聪明。
He deserved to win the game,said Johnny Damon, who served as the Yankees' designated hitter. He didn't make too many mistakes. 「他赢得实值名归,」洋基指定打者戴蒙说:「他今天很少犯错。
He did a whole lap,said Kelly Watson, director of constituent relations and web communications at the private school. 这间私立学校的社区关系与网路通讯部门负责人华森说,「他整整走了一圈。」
He did misappropriate the public funds, but there were extenuating circumstances. "他的确挪用了公款,但有可以减轻罪责的情况。"
He did not send me!cried she positively. I have no Heavenly Father! “不是他把我送来的!”她明确地说。“我没有天父!”
He did that against us, even though the first goal was a close offside decision. “他给我们制造了很大的麻烦,尽管第一个球是越位。”
He did well again on Saturday. “他在周六再次表现得很好。”
He did well when he came on and was very close to netting until Gianluca Pagliuca made an incredible save,added Zac. “他表现很好,若不是帕柳卡的扑救,他有机会进球。”扎克说。
He didn't brandish the knife at anyone ... but he injured himself in the leg,the police spokesman said. 警方发言人说:“他没有将匕首指向任何人,但是他刺伤了自己的腿。”
He doe 't know me,does he?No,he doe 't know me. “他不认识我,是吗?”“是的,他不认识我。”
He does not have a small salary but I'm ready to pay that. “他的薪水克不是小数目,但我已经准备好了。”

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