Encourage electro-metallurgical integration, set up large aluminum industrial groups and upgrade the degree of industrial concentration.
鼓励电冶联营,组建大型铝业集团,提高产业集中度。 |
Encourage foreign investment and building of alumina and auto manufacturing enterprises with above 15-year operating periods and foreign capital of more than US$15 million, and aluminum product further processing, auto parts and components manufacturing,
鼓励外商投资兴办经营期限15年以上、外在额在1500万美圆以上的氧化铝、汽车整车制造企业和外资额在500万美元以上的铝产品深加工、汽车零配件制造、食品加工企业以及外资额在300万美元的电子信息、新材料制造和生物工程企业(以下简称支柱型外商投资企业)。 |
Encourage him all the way.
自始至终都要无保留的鼓励他。 |
Encourage informality and a relaxed company climate.
在公司里,提倡非正式,轻松的气氛。 |
Encourage me to follow it: it is a good exercise for me to learn to crawl and walk.
鼓励我去跟着它,这会锻炼我的爬行和走路能力的。 |
Encourage me, and I may not forget you.
鼓励我,我就不会忘记你。 |
Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet.
互相鼓励吧!一句赞扬、一声道谢、由衷的赞赏或交好,往往会使别人从此站立起来。 |
Encourage others This is about giving, or in the words of our motto: Service Above Self.
鼓励人们这是出自于给与,或者是以我们的座右铭:服务至上。 |
Encourage participation in Rotary Youth Exchange by highlighting a club's involvement or publishing an article from a current or former Youth Exchange student.
藉著强调一个扶轮社的参与或发表一篇现任或前青少年交换学生的文章来鼓励参加扶轮青少年交换的活动。 |
Encourage pupils to set realistic goals.
要鼓励学生设定现实的目标。 |
Encourage some youth to do his or her best.
鼓励年轻人全力以赴地工作。 |