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Streets in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, are mostly quiet Friday, as security measures take effect on the eve of a nationwide constitutional referendum.

Streetball often features spectacular dunks and alley-oops, flashy dribbling and trash talking. 街球的特色常常在于触目惊心的灌篮和空中接力、花哨的运球以及挑衅语言。
Streetcars rumble down Tokyo's Arakawa tramline. 有轨电车隆隆通过东京荒川区的轨道。
Streets are all the avenues and alleys in cities, which are the primary urban public space holding people daily public life. 摘要“街头”即城市里的大街小巷,是主要的城市公共空间,承载着市民的日常公共生活。
Streets are always crowed with vehicles and pedestrains, especially in rush hours. 街道上总是车辆拥挤,行人如潮,特别是在交通高峰时更是如此。
Streets are still impassable, but the water has started to recede. 街道仍无法通行,不过大水已开始退去。
Streets in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, are mostly quiet Friday, as security measures take effect on the eve of a nationwide constitutional referendum. 伊拉克首都巴格达街头星期五基本平静。在全国就宪法草案举行公民投票的前夕,各类保安措施开始生效。
Streets in the city are in good order and full of energy with luxuriant trees along the streets. 市内的小街整整齐齐,茂盛①的树木给这些街道增添了活力。
Strenght takes use of flexible management ideas and patterns to take full advantage of its own cpital to deal with the development and investment of industry and real estate. which acts as the lube among so many prosperous ones. 除此之外,我们还利用灵活的经营思想、经营模式、发挥自己的资金、管理优势,从事工业、房地产等项目的开发与投资业务,成为众多成功项目的润滑剂。
Strength Group was founded in 1988 It is an allround corporation with more than twenty subsidiaries.specializing in communications and computer network system integration;software development; E-commerce; intellectual system designing of modern buildings; 思创集团创立于1988年,是一家主要从事通信和计算机网络系统集成、计算机软件开发、电子商务、现代楼宇智能化系统设计及CATV宽带网络多业务开发,以及IT产品销售、高新技术项目投资和国际贸易的拥有二十多家子公司的综合性企业集团。
Strength comes not from physical capacity but from an indomitable will. 力量并非来自体能,它来自于不屈不扰的意志。
Strength is one of his strengths. He is very quick, technically sound, and tactically very astute too. 他的力量非常足速度也很快。技术很全面,对于战术也很清楚。

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