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“I hope this can be a turning point for me.

“I hear you want to make Primordium a Republic,” Agonistes said. “Single-handed. “我听说你想使普利摩顿成为一个共和国,”阿冈尼司帝斯开口说道,“用你一个人的力量。”
“I hope (the intensity picks up). “我希望队员们能找回那种思想上的紧迫性。
“I hope I will receive an interesting offer from the Catalan club, but this doesn't mean that we have to discuss an extension now,” continued El Conejo. 我希望我将会收到加泰罗尼亚俱乐部的一份有吸引力的报价,但是这不意味着我们必须立即讨论延长合同,兔子继续说.
“I hope it will be a great show and that the supporters who take part in it prove their sportsmanship,” said Lotito. “我希望这会是一场精彩的比赛,也希望双方的支持者表现出他们的体育精神,”洛蒂托说。
“I hope that even if today was my last day, my last words to anyone might have been words of encouragement , love, and peace. 我希望,即使今天是我生命的最后一天,我给任何人留下的也都是充满鼓励、爱与和平的话。
“I hope this can be a turning point for me. “我希望这会成为我的转折点。
“I hope we can close the issue tomorrow, although I would be disappointed for Conte who is doing well and is fighting to avoid relegation,” he added. “我希望明天我们能够完成目标,虽然我对不能和孔蒂对抗很失望,他做得很好,可惜下课了,”他补述。
“I just got so fat, so we used to strap everything in to make it not show,” she told reporters at the Enigma premier at the Edinburgh film Festival on Saturday. 上周六,温斯特雷在爱丁堡电影节的《谜机》首映礼上对记者说:“我太胖了,所以我们只有将所有那些(赘肉)都裹着不让它们露出来。”
“I just want people to know that Allen Iverson is misunderstood. “我只是想要人们知道:阿伦-艾弗森被误解了。
“I just want to make it clear that I have nothing but respect for Chelsea and if I ever said anything to disrespect anyone then I sincerely regret it. “我只是像澄清我没有做任何事情但是我尊重切尔西。如果我曾经说过任何不尊重他人的话我全部反悔。”
“I just want to pitch in the playoffs again,” he said. “That is my only goal. 我只想再次在季后赛投球,那是我唯一的目标他说.

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