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An image of a tarantula was set inside the virtual kitchen; the illusion was enhanced by suspending a furry spider toy with wiggly legs above the patient's bed so that he could actually feel the virtual spider.

An image denosing method which combine wavelet packet transform with median filter used in the system of the online measuring of pellets diameters was presented. 提出了一种将小波包变换和中值滤波相结合的球团矿图像去噪方法。
An image for the graph background. 作背景色的图片.
An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount of text. 如果图片格式的使用有任何实质性专利条文的限制,那么该图片格式就是不兼容的。
An image fusion method based on cortex transform is proposed. 摘要提出一种基于皮层变换的图像融合方法。
An image of a female supernatural being; an idol. 女性偶象一超自然的女性偶象;偶象
An image of a tarantula was set inside the virtual kitchen; the illusion was enhanced by suspending a furry spider toy with wiggly legs above the patient's bed so that he could actually feel the virtual spider. 虚拟厨房会出现毛蜘蛛的影像,而悬挂在病床上方、扭动著脚的毛绒绒蜘蛛玩具则加强了这个幻觉,让患者可以真实感受到虚拟蜘蛛的存在。
An image of the area seen by the camera is displayed on a monitor screen. 摄影机视见区的影像显示在监控萤幕上。
An image or figure of Jesus on the cross. 十字架图象耶稣钉在十字架上的图象
An image retrieval scheme fusing the features of text, speech and image is presented, and a new image retrieval system is constructed on the MATLAB platform by using speech recognition techniques. 摘要提出一种融合了文本、语音、图像等信息特征的图像检索方案,并以MATLAB为平台构建了一种基于语音识别技术的新型图像检索系统。
An image taken by the Cassini space craft on July 3,2004 and received on Earth on the same day shows the planet Saturn casting a shadow over its rings. 在这张“卡西尼”号飞船7月3日拍摄并于当天传回地球的照片上,土星在它自身光环上投下了一块阴影。
An image that a viewer continues to see after the actual object is no longer in sight. 中义当凝视一个物体一段时间后移开视线,眼中仍会有物体的影像存在。

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