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For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same freedoms that you received.

For example, if you always connect to a server remotely, that server PC may not need a keyboard. 举例来说,如果你总是很远地对一个服务器连接,那一个服务器个人计算机可能不需要一个键盘。
For example, if you are at home working on your computer, your male Labrador will probably sleep right under your feet while your female will probably sleep in the other room and just come in and check on you periodically. 例如,如果你在电脑前工作,公拉拉经常会睡在你脚边,而母拉拉则更有可能睡在房间里面,只是不时地来看看你。
For example, if you ask, “Why is so-and-so taking advantage of me?” 例如,如果你问自己“为何某人总利用我?”
For example, if you consider a site to be untrustworthy, you can place it in the Restricted zone; if you know it's safe, you can place it in the Trusted zone. 例如,你认为某个网站靠不住,你可以把它放到受限制域;如果你知道它是安全的,你可以把它放到受信任域。
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. 例如,假如您散布此类程式的副本,无论是免费或收取费用,您必须将您所享有的一切权利交付收受者。
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same freedoms that you received. 例如,如果您发布一个自由软件程序的副本,不管是免费的还是收费的,您都必须把您获得的自由同样的给予副本的接收者。
For example, if you don't get along with your father-in-law but you don't want to make an issue of it, invite other in-laws at the same time you invite him. 例如,如果你与岳父相处得不融洽,但是你不想使之变得更糟,就在你邀请他的同时也邀请另外一些姻亲。
For example, if you had been told in 1991 that telephones would double as music-players in 2006, you might have assumed that this would involve some smaller version of CDs. 比如说,如果在1991年有人告诉你2006年的电话还可以当作音乐播放器用,你可能会猜想这里边会用上尺寸更小的CD。
For example, if you handle WM_CTLCOLOR in your dialog box class, your handling will override any reflected message handlers. 例如,如果你在一个对话框类中试图处理WM_CTLCOLOR,您的处理将覆盖掉任何被反射的消息处理函数。
For example, if you have a sense of being on one side of a blockage, try thinking of being on the other side. 譬如,你感到自己位于堵塞的一边,试著观想处于堵塞的另一边。
For example, if you include a window, break up the form with an overlapping tree branch or a flowerpot. 例如,若画中有窗,需利用与窗子交叠的树枝或花盆将方形打破。

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