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Learn to move your body strictly for pleasure. Dance to music for 10 minutes, stretch, walk in the sunshine.

Learn to let go. Learn the meaning of letting go. Each time you let go, you are sure to come closer to selffulfilment. 要学会放弃,要知道放弃的背后意味着什么。每一次放弃,一定是进一步地超越自我。
Learn to make God's Word come alive to kids, using all wisdom to help kids love to memorise scriptures. 学习如何生动活泼的教导儿童神的话语,用各样的智慧使儿童乐于背诵经文.
Learn to make decisions consciously and responsibly. Act rather than react. 学习自觉和负责任地做出决定。行动而不是反应。
Learn to make fruit salad. 了解做水果沙拉的简单过程。
Learn to match, solve puzzles and have tons of fun in the Care Bears' star-speckled cloud wonderland! 学习配比,拼图,在爱心熊星星点点的云彩神奇世界里有很多很多有趣的事!
Learn to move your body strictly for pleasure. Dance to music for 10 minutes, stretch, walk in the sunshine. 学会把娱乐与活动身体相结合。随着音乐起舞10分钟,在阳光下伸伸腰、散散步。
Learn to profit from your experiences and don't exploit others for your own benefit. 学习如何从你过往的经验获利,并且不为了自身利益而剥削他人。
Learn to raise the non-hitting elbow and hand on the backswing, this will ensure that your racquet is high enough. 在背后拉拍上学习举起非打击的手肘和手,这将确定你的网拍举得够高。
Learn to remain undistrbed in the tumult of people and events.Remain at peace inside yourself even when busy and occupied. 人要学习经得起周围人事的磨练而心不动摇,并学习在动中保持心的宁静。
Learn to say before you sing. 按部就班。
Learn to say no to people that invade your privacy. 学会对侵犯你的隐私的人说不。

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