Why would he treat you any differently?
有什么理由可以让他对你有任何不同? |
Why would management object to cost reductions?
为什么管理方面会反对降低能耗呢? |
Why would my dad hire security?
我爸爸为什么要请私人保安? |
Why would people benefit from having this skill?
人们为什么能从这种技能中收益? |
Why would someone do this to her, causing her such pain?
为什么有人对她做这件事,使她如此心酸。 |
Why would such a wonderful thing be interpreted as interminable?
这么美妙的事怎会被解读为「没完没了」? |
Why would the 2008 Olympic Games be hosted in Beijing?
为什么北京能够承办2008年奥运会? |
Why would they want to listen to my recipe ideas?
他们怎么可能会倾听我的饮料配置建议? |
Why would this brother be him approaching now?
为什么偏偏在路上遇到他呢? |
Why would you ask your accountant who prepares tax returns for people who walk in off the street to advise you how to make a fortune?
有些会计时刻准备着拿税来喂饱那些阔人们,你为什么情愿让他们为你出谋划策提供致富之路呢? |
Why would you lend legitimacy to the argument that Malaysians should steer clear of discussing issues which affect us all as citizens, whether Muslim or non-Muslim?
为什么你要引用宪法来避开我们对作为一个不论是穆斯林或非穆斯林的讨论呢? |