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American officials will not talk publicly about how they glean clues to Castro's health.

American officials do not want to see China's growing economic and political muscle funneled into creating free-trade zones and political alliances that exclude the United States. 美国官员并不希望中国日益增长的经济和政治力量使它组成自由贸易区和政治联盟以此排除美国。
American officials say President Bush will call for greater use of alternative fuels and nuclear power, to spare Americans from the steep rise in energy costs in recent months and to reduce the nation's dependence on foreign sources of oil. 美国官员表示,布什总统会呼吁更多使用替代能源和核能,缓解近几个月来能源价格大幅上涨对美国人的冲击以及减少国家对海外石油资源的依赖。
American officials say the UNDP has engaged in a cover-up; UNDP officials retort that the Americans won't tell them what sort of thing they are allegedly hiding. 美国官员说联合国发展计划署有意隐瞒真相;而联合国发展计划署的官员反驳说美国根本讲不出他们涉嫌隐瞒了什么。
American officials say they have evidence of around $15m in UN money being misused by North Korea between 2001 and 2005; this allegedly included $7m used to buy property in Britain, France and Canada. 法美国官员说他们有证据表明2001年到2005年期间,朝鲜滥用了联合国的大约1500万美元资金,并涉嫌将其中的700万美元用于在英国、国和加拿大购买房地产。
American officials speak of creating a new generation of weapons, such as nuclear “bunker-buster” bombs to destroy underground facilities, but funding has been denied by Congress. 美国官方宣布正在研制新式武器,比如“地堡炸弹”是用来摧毁地下设施的,但经费却被国会否决。
American officials will not talk publicly about how they glean clues to Castro's health. 美国官员不会公开谈论如何收集到卡斯特罗的健康情况的线索。
American often says that there are two things a person can be sure of in life. 美国人常说他们一生中有两件事逃脱不了。
American on the move has increased the oil price, and Chinese on the wheels will speed up the earth warming. 车轮上的美国加速了石油涨价;车轮上的中国将加速地球变暖的进程。
American on the wheels has increased the oil price, and Chinese on the wheels will speed up the earth warming. 车轮上的美国加速了石油涨价;车轮上的中国将加速地球变暖的进程。
American over modest look upon as the hypocritical pronoun, says English if one is modest about self talking not good , proceed to tell fluent English, American person that can think that he is to affirm with self's lips but deny in self's heart , assume 美国人把过谦视为虚伪的代名词,如果一个自谦说英语讲得不好,接着又说出一口流畅英语,美国人会认为他是个口是心非,装腔作势的人。
American painter Winslow Homer died on July 31st at the age of 74. 1910年7月31日,美国画家温斯洛·霍默去世,享年74岁。

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