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The word is used figuratively in the context.

The word is an adjunct of that verb. 这个词是那个动词的修饰语。
The word is an uncountable noun and is used in a general sense, hence it takes no article. 这字是不可数名词,又用于一般意义,所以不加冠词。
The word is an uncountable noun and is used in a general sense,hence (therefore) it takes no article. 这个词是不可数名词,又用于一般意义,所以不要加冠词。
The word is on page 5, third line from the top. 这个单词爱第5页,上面第三行.
The word is the one life-giving fire, which shining into the world becomes the fire and light of every soul that enters into the world. 言辞是被给予了生命的火,照进世界,变成了每个踏入这个世界的灵魂的火和光。
The word is used figuratively in the context. 这字在此上下文中做比喻用。
The word itself seems murky, more than a little misogynistic and all too indebted to the theorizing of the now-unfashionable Freud. 癔病这个词本身似乎很隐晦,该病常影响女性,而且用如今已不受重视的弗洛伊德所建立的理论完全解释不通。
The word of naiveteis from western culture and its meaning is simple or pure. 摘要素朴既是艺术的一大流派,同时也是艺术的一种表现形式。
The word of God kept on spreading; and the number of the disciples continued to increase greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests were becoming obedient to the faith. 徒6:7神的道兴旺起来.在耶路撒冷门徒数目加增的甚多.也有许多祭司信从了这道。
The word of Jehovah which came to Hosea the son of Beeri in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash the king of Israel. 1当乌西雅、约坦、亚哈斯、希西家作犹大王,约阿施的儿子耶罗波安作以色列王的日子,耶和华的话临到备利的儿子何西阿。
The word of Jehovah which came to Joel the son of Pethuel. 1耶和华的话临到毗土珥的儿子约珥。

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