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But until the hype lives up to reality, I'll continue to use open source alternatives to commercial software.

But until China embraces openness and pluralism at home, no charm offensive is ever going to set its neighbours' minds completely at ease. 但除非中国接受在国内接受开放和多党制,否则,即使笑容满面也难以完全消除邻居们心中的疑虑。
But until about six years ago, no one had written computer code sufficiently complex to simulate core motion and its magnetic effects. 直到约六年前,才有学者写出一套复杂到足以模拟地核运动和地磁作用的程式。
But until it does, he seems locked in frozen inaction. 但是这一刻到来之前,他仍然会陷于被动之中。
But until now Mr Greenspan has played down the possibility of a generalised price decline, saying there was “froth” in some local markets but no national pattern. 但直到现在,格林斯潘先生仍认为发生价格普遍下滑的可能不大,他说,某些地方市场存在“泡沫”,但这种现象不是全国性的。
But until that day…accept this justice as a gift on my army establish day. 但在那一天到来之前收下这份公道做为部队成立之礼。
But until the hype lives up to reality, I'll continue to use open source alternatives to commercial software. 不过,在这一天到来之前,在开源软件和商业软件之间,我还是宁可选择使用开源软件。
But until we do, we will be known as a nearly team. 但是当我们有了,我们就会知道这是和1966年一样好的球队。”
But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fe*. 5只是看不中该隐和他的供物。该隐就大大地发怒,变了脸色。
But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. 只是看不中该隐和他的供物。该隐就大大地发怒,变了脸色。
But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow. 26以利亚并没有奉差往他们一个人那里去,只奉差往西顿的撒勒法,一个寡妇那里去。
But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. 8论到子却说,神阿,你的宝座是永永远远的,你的国权是正直的。

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