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“Chinese folk music, Calligraphy, Chinese painting, Martial Art, Trip, Home stay, Chinese cooking” A period of vacation in SFLS brings you a wonderful memory of life in Shanghai.

“Chinese Ancient scientists” will manifest those scientists' life history and creative spirits, meanwhile this cartoon movie will describe there life environment、academic achievements and thinking character. 《中国古代科学家》将重现这些科学家们的生活历程和创新精神,具体而生动地讲述他们的生活环境、学术成就和思想品格。
“Chinese Contemporary Population Situation and Some Key Questions of Future Stratagem Programming”, in Luxueyi ed. Blue book of Chinese Society in 2005. Social Sciences Academic Press, 2005. “中国当前的人口态势与未来战略规划应注意的几个问题”,载陆学艺主编2005年《社会蓝皮书》,社会科学出版社2005年版。
“Chinese Get Candid Look at AIDS,The Gazette (Montreal), 29 November 1995, p. B1; in Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe, 29 November 1995, http://www.lexisnexis.com . 11月29日中央电视台播放了第一个关于艾滋病的纪录片系列,它包括对*女和普通中国艾滋病感染者的采访。
“Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation”, approved by the Public Health Ministry and the Committee of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, is a state-level technical journal published bimonthly and distributed domestically and abr 《中国医疗器械杂志》是经科委、卫生部批准,在国内外正式出版发行的国家级技术刊物,已有近40年的历史。
“Chinese banks make most of their money through their net interest margin,” said, of China Economic Quarterly in Beijing. 来自北京《中国经济季刊》的ArthurKroeber说,“中国的银行利润主要来自净利率差。”
“Chinese folk music, Calligraphy, Chinese painting, Martial Art, Trip, Home stay, Chinese cooking” A period of vacation in SFLS brings you a wonderful memory of life in Shanghai. “古筝、书法、国画、武术、民宿、郊游、中国食品制作……”在SFLS的欢乐假期构成您在上海的美好回忆。
“Cities at all levels must work out concrete plans on housing construction before the end of September,” it said. “各级城市必须于本月月底前在房屋建筑方面建立起具体而详细的计划,”报告显示。
“Class scope testing corresponds with the classical definition of unit testing: exercising a relatively small software component, usually via a driver, in isolation. 我认为这段话也清楚地表明了作者认为针对类的测试是属于单元测试的立场。
“Class, tomorrow I want you all to bring a cup of 1)macaroni for our crafts class, okay? Now go on out there and enjoy the day. “同学们,明天我们上手工劳作课,我要求你们都带一±?通心粉来,好吗?现在下课,祝你们有愉快的一天。”
“Classical Cannon and Oral Tradition: A Historical Glossary of Epic Studies in 20th Century”. Studies of Ethnic Literature, No.3, 2002. pp.3~10. “在古代经典与口头传统之间:20世纪史诗学述评”,《民族文学研究》2003年到3期,第3-9页,北京。
“Cleverness is that you'll never make such a promise,” the father answered. 父亲回答:“聪明就是任何时候都别做这样的承诺。”

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