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The magnificence of Versailles is admirable to everyone.

The magnetic leakage field distribution above linear defects of a tube sample under the geomagnetic field was modeled according to magnetic dipole theory. 摘要利用磁偶极子理论,建立稳恒微弱地磁场作用下管类试件线状缺陷段产生的漏磁场模型。
The magnetic particles are affixed, as labels, to selected antibody molecules, which are then applied to the sample under study. 磁性颗粒的作用像标签一样固定在抗体上,然后加入待测样本中。
The magnetic tube is the matter-wave analogue of an optical fiber: a matter waveguide. 这样的磁管类似于光纤,是一种物质波导。
The magneto-elastic motion equation and the electrodynamic equation of the thin strip conductive plate in a leaning magnetic field are derived on the basis of the principle magneto-elastic theory, and the characteristic equations of the vibration of the p 摘要以磁弹性基本假设为出发点,给出了倾斜磁场中无限长条形薄板的磁弹性运动方程及电动力学方程,并推得了两长边简支薄板的磁弹性振动特征方程式。
The magnets have yet to be fixed, although physicists think they know how to do it. 尽管物理学家知道怎么做,但磁铁还有待修复。
The magnificence of Versailles is admirable to everyone. 凡尔赛宫的富丽堂皇让每个人都赞叹不已。
The magnificent 12th-century cathedral at Modena, the work of two great artists (Lanfranco and Wiligelmus), is a supreme example of early Romanesque art. 位于摩德纳的宏伟的12世纪大教堂,是兰弗兰科和威利盖尔茨这两位伟大的艺术家的杰作,是罗马风格艺术的最杰出典范。
The magnificent conference hall in the hotel would meet various needs.The multi-function hall could be separated into different partitions as required with all facilities. 颇具规模的酒店会议室,满足你的不同需要。多功能厅可根据您的不同会议需求进行分割,会议设施一应俱权。
The magnificent goal spurred the team on to victory. 他们那一球进得漂亮, 鼓舞了全队的士气夺取胜利.
The magnificent scene of the waterfull is perfect delight to the eye. 瀑布的宏伟景象真是好看极了.
The magnificent scenery dazzled the tourists. 壮丽的景色使游客的眼花缭乱。

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