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To make sure that my parents understood this point, I declared that I wanted nothing else but a pony.

To make rural land reform work, fiscal transfers from the centre to the provinces would also have to be made fairer, and that too would require considerable political will because richer provinces would be reluctant to lose their advantages. 若想开展土地改革,中央到地方的财政流转也要透明化,需要出台的政策太多了,将不愿意丧失他们的既得利益。
To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality. 包饺子是他的拿手好戏。
To make such a public, international and humiliating fuss, Mr Nazarbayev, it is fair to say, must be extremely displeased with his son-in-law. 很公正的讲,纳扎尔巴耶夫总统肯定是对他的女婿极其地不满意,不然他是不会做出如此公开且面向整个国际的丢人行为。
To make sure no members of the tour get lost, we count noses every time they get back on the bus. 为了保证旅行社团员没有走失,每当他们回到汽车上的时候,我们都必须清点人数。
To make sure that he was at home, I called him up in advance. 为了确定他在家,我事先打电话给他。
To make sure that my parents understood this point, I declared that I wanted nothing else but a pony. 为了确保父母知道这一点,我声明除了小马以外,什么都不要。
To make sure that we have enough room for everyone, we had to lay out the food over 2 different places - the church basement and the school canteen. 为了有足够的空间让弟兄姐妹交流,实践“圣徒相通”生活,我们分开两个地点来让弟兄姐妹交流--副堂楼下及学校食堂。
To make sure you're bending adequately to get the racquet one foot below the contact point think about getting your rear end down like you're sitting in a chair. 为了确定你足够地弯腰来将网拍放在接触点下一呎处,就想像一下好像你坐进一张椅子内让你的后末端下降。
To make sure you're coiling adequately, rotate the shoulders on the backswing enough for your opponent to see your racquet come into view behind your back. 为了要确定你在足够地盘绕,背后拉拍上转动肩膀要足够到让你的对手见到你的球拍进入你背部后面的视野。
To make the Chinese Nation stand towering in world nation community, education shall be grasped well primarily. 要使中华民族屹立于世界民族之林,首先应抓好教育。
To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to provide more specific evidence concerning the relationship between eating breakfast at school and not absent from school &better performance. 可能是学生的家长给他们准备了营养丰富,搭配科学的健康早餐,才使得他们体力充沛,活力四射,当然比没吃早餐的学生表现好,甚至比吃学校垃圾早餐的学生表现好。

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