TIPS: Your great need to share; to be fair and impartial will help you a lot.
学习相你要求与他人分享和公平的愿望会给你很大帮助。 |
TIPS: Your persistence will lead you to success. But your impulsive temper may cause problems.
学习相坚持会使你成功,但是爱冲动的毛病也会带来麻烦。 |
TIRANA (Reuters) - Albanian artist Saimir Strati has hammered te of thousands of nails into a wooden board over the past 24 days to create a portrait of Leonardo da Vinci and the world‘s biggest nail mosaic.
阿尔巴尼亚艺术家塞梅·斯特拉提耗时24天、使用数万颗钉子在一张木板上创作出了一幅达芬奇肖像画,该画成为世界上最大的钉子镶嵌画。 |
TIRANA (Reuters) - Albanian artist Saimir Strati has hammered tens of thousands of nails into a wooden board over the past 24 days to create a portrait of Leonardo da Vinci and the world's biggest nail mosaic.
阿尔巴尼亚艺术家塞梅·斯特拉提耗时24天、使用数万颗在一张木板上创作出了一幅达芬奇肖像画,该画成为世界上最大的钉子镶嵌画。 |
TIRANA (Reuters) - Albanian artist Saimir Strati has hammered tens of thousands of nails into a wooden board over the past 24 days to create a portrait of Leonardo da Vinci and the world‘s biggest nail mosaic.
阿尔巴尼亚艺术家塞梅·斯特拉提耗时24天、使用数万颗钉子在一张木板上创作出了一幅达芬奇肖像画,该画成为世界上最大的钉子镶嵌画。 |
TIRED of sleeping on floor , a young man in TEHERAN saved up for years to buy a real bed .
一个德黑兰年轻人厌倦了睡地板,用节省了多年的钱买了一张真正的床。 |
TIRUCHENGODE, India — As its technology companies soar to the outsourcing skies, India is bumping up against an improbable challenge.
印度,TIRUCHENGODE——由于国内科技公司向外包领域剧增,印度正在突起抵制一个不可能(完成)的挑战。 |
TIS night: now do all gushing fountains speak louder. And my soul also is a gushing fountain.
夜来了:此时一切喷泉都开始大声喧哗,而我的灵魂也是一道喷泉。 |
TISOMA GmbH Maschinenbau und Industrieservice - the delivery program covers Turning devices, Special tool machines and Industrial furnaces as well as Vacuum furnaces and Agitator ball mills.
公司提供闸门和回转装置、推床翻钢装置、翻转装置以及小门、入口处、山口、隘口范围内的可行性方案。 |
TITAN warheads operational. 125 XP awarded to all marines.
泰坦弹头开始运作。125插屁奖励给所有玛润。 |
TITLE 28 >PART II >CHAPTER 31 >§501 Executive department The Department of Justice is an executive department of the United States at the seat of Government.
美国法典第二部分第三十一章第五百零一条行政管理部门司法部是美国中央政府的一个行政管理部门。 |