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Application method: rub scattered completely with right amount with hands after make face wet, then massage face softly, clean with water.

Application forms can be obtained in person or by post with a self-addressed stamped (HK$8.20) envelope (A4 size) from the Graduate School (4/F, Academic Building No.1, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong). 报名表格可于香港中文大学教研楼一座四楼研究院索取;或以邮寄方式,附上贴有邮票(港币$8.2)的回邮信封(A4尺寸)索取。
Application has NOT been lodged. A problem was encountered validating your application. Please try again later. 有谁知道原因吗?是资料填写有误还是移民局网站有问题?
Application has been submitted,pending....Thank you for your backing up our products &services by Baidu Inc. 已经申请,等待审核。谢谢您对百度的的产品和服务支持!
Application lifecycle management: the server manages the application's lifecycle, through stages such as configuration, deployment, loading, start, and shutdown. 应用的生命周期管理:服务器负责管理应用的生命周期,例如配置、部署、加载、启动和停止。
Application method: Spread on face evenly with right amount and massage softly after make face wet, then clean face with water or scrub with wet towel. 用法:湿面后,取本品少量于掌心,并均匀地涂敷于脸部轻轻地按摩,适度地洗面后,用清水洗净或用湿毛巾抹净。
Application method: rub scattered completely with right amount with hands after make face wet, then massage face softly, clean with water. 用法:湿面后,取本品适量于手掌,用双手将其完全搓散,然后双手在脸上搓揉,最后用清水冲净即可。
Application method: spread on body surface after make body wet, massage softly, it is best to massage by Lymph poisons skill. 用法:湿润后,将本品涂于身体表面,轻轻按摩,以淋巴排毒手法按摩为最佳。
Application of CPT technology in the loess area,the bearing capacity of artificial composite ground is determined.Moreover,the correspondence relationship between the curve feature of CPT and the compact effect of lime-mud soil compact pile is discussed. 论述了静力触探(CPT)技术在黄土地区对人工复合地基承载力的确定,以及静力触探曲线特征与灰土挤密桩挤密效果的对应关系。
Application of K improved the efficiency of P fertilizer both in increasing yield and economic return, and vice versa. 施钾能改善施用磷肥的增产作用,同时能提高施磷的经济效益,反之亦然。
Application of broken-line analysis to assess floor space requirements of nursery and grower-finisher pigs expressed on an allometric basis. 应用残破线分析的方法根据体形变异对养殖场和生长肥育猪的地板面积的要求进行评估。
Application of caving mining technology with bottom under condition of flat dipping mid-thick body and unstable rock caused the most of trench and bottom drift, located in abutment , to be destroyed and low recovery in south area, Xishimen Iron Mine. 摘要在缓倾斜中厚矿体底板岩性不稳固的条件下,采用有底柱崩落法,由于电耙道大多处于空区边部应力集中的部位,致使堑沟及底部结构巷道破坏严重而使回收率极低,采用无底柱崩落卸压则可有效解决上述难题。

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