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When women start to value self fulfillment, they become more equal to men.

When we look at things that we think would go along with being physically active and fit, like pulse rate and obesity levels, they don't show any relationship with housework,Ebrahim, whose research is reported in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community 易卜拉欣博士的研究结果发表在《流行病学和公共健康》杂志上,他解释说,我们通常会将脉率和肥胖程度作为一个人的健康标准,但是家务劳动和改善这两项健康指标的状况没什么关系。
When we lose a language, we lose centuries of human thinking about time, seasons, sea creatures, reindeer, edible flowers, mathematics, landscapes, myths, music, the unknown and the everyday. “我们失去一种语言,就意味着失去了人类好几个世纪对于时间、季节、海洋生物、驯鹿、食用花卉、数学、风景、神话、音乐、未知事物以及日常生活的思考成果。”
When we were children very few people trimmed up outside but now, more and more people are starting to put something in their garden, then their neighbours follow suit. “当我们还是小孩子时,很少会有人装饰户外。可是现在越来越多的人开始在花园里放一些装饰物,然后他们的邻居也纷纷效仿。”
When were you born?I was born in 1956. “你什么时间出生的?”“我出生在一九五六年。”
When will you finish the job?he asked dully. 你何时才能结束这工作?他沉闷地问道。
When women start to value self fulfillment, they become more equal to men. “女性开始追求自我实现,这是男女平等进步的体现。”
When you a have a relationship, even a very close relationship, you have problems now and again, friends, parents, wives, good relationship, love, but sometimes problems. 当你有联系了,还是非常亲近的关系,你就迟早会有问题了。朋友间,父母间,妻子间,都是非常亲密的关系,是爱,可有时确是麻烦。”
When you add [IsoMotion] to the franchise's already brilliant simulation,strategy, and AI, you end up with a phenomenal gameplay package. (当你加入动作标准化组织,特权已经被有才气的仿真,策略和人工智能,你以一个显著的游戏游玩包而告终)(?)
When you are right, no one remembers; when you are wrong, no one forgets. 当你作对的时候,没有人记得;当你犯错的时候,所有人都会记得。。
When you built your shrine at the beginning of every street and made your high place in every square, in disdaining money, you were not like a harlot. 结16:31因你在一切市口上建造圆顶花楼、在各街上作了高台、你却藐视赏赐、不像妓女。
When you come in to spank me, can you bring me a drink of water? “你来打我屁股时候,能不能给我带杯水来呀?”

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