Such beam splitters, which are called combiners, have long been used in “head-up” displays for fighter-jet pilots (and, more recently, for drivers of luxury cars).
这类分光镜也称为「合并器」,早就应用在战斗喷射机飞行员的抬头显示器上(它会把仪表数据投影到挡风玻璃上,近来也有些豪华汽车开始使用这种装置)。 |
Such beauty, and hope; Emerald Dragons once more defend Irollan.
我看到了希望,美丽的翡翠龙将再次保卫艾罗兰。 |
Such behavior can only reflect discredit on you.
这样的行为只能给你带来耻辱。 |
Such behavior can only reflect shame on you.
这样的行为只能给你带来羞愧。 |
Such behavior is beneath you.
这样的行为有失你的身分。 |
Such behavior is inconsistent with her high-minded principles.
这样的行为与她情操高尚的原则是矛盾的。 |
Such behavior is not in character for him.
这样的行为和他的性格不符。 |
Such behavior is unacceptable in a civilized society.
这样的行为在文明社会里是不能接受的。 |
Such behavior will be derogatory to your reputation.
这种行为将减损你的名誉。 |
Such behavior will derogate from your image.
这样的行为将损及你的形象。 |
Such behavior will discredit you with your colleagues.
这样的行为将会让你的同事们败坏你的名声。 |