Data on transportation come from Municipal Committee of Communications, Municipal Bureau of Public Security, former Chongqing Railway Ministry Branch, Civil Aviation Administration of Chongqing, administrative departments of ports and Municipal Bureau of |
中文意思: 交通运输有关资料来源于市交通委员会、市公安局、原重庆铁路分局、民航重庆管理局、港口管理部门和市统计局。 |
Data of yield components indicate that the grain number is 31,500 and 33,000 seeds per square meter from the traditional and modified nitrogen fertilizer application respectively.
产量构成数据显示,传统施氮方法和改良方法每平方米籽粒数分别为31,500和33,000粒。 |
Data on GDP are calculated by the Department of National Economic Accounting, National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) with various approaches in the light of the features of various sectors, various expenditure structures and the data sources.
国内生产总值数据是由国家统计局国民经济核算司根据不同产业部门、不同支出构成的特点和资料来源情况而采用不同方法计算的。 |
Data on national and provincial crop yields and areas sown to the selected crops were obtained from the China Agricultural Yearbook, 1990 which reports 1989 data.
几种作物的全国和各省产量及播种面积源于1990年中国农业年鉴,该书报导了1989年的数据。 |
Data on the investment in primary industry has been adjusted according to the new classification standards of national economic accounting.
根据新国民经济核算标准,对第一产业投资进行了调整。 |
Data on the table is just the parameters of model machine,it can be adjusted in a certain range according to your requirement.
上列表格中转速和分离因素为标准机型参数,厂家可根据用户要求在一定范围内调整。 |
Data on transportation come from Municipal Committee of Communications, Municipal Bureau of Public Security, former Chongqing Railway Ministry Branch, Civil Aviation Administration of Chongqing, administrative departments of ports and Municipal Bureau of
交通运输有关资料来源于市交通委员会、市公安局、原重庆铁路分局、民航重庆管理局、港口管理部门和市统计局。 |
Data published yesterday showed that most member states had given their industries more permits to emit carbon dioxide than were needed, leading to a surplus of carbon permits across the EU.
昨日公布的数据显示,绝大多数欧盟成员国发放给各行业的二氧化碳排放权均超过需要,导致欧盟范围内二氧化碳排放权出现过剩。 |
Data quality is a function of systematic usage, not anticipatory design.
数据质量是系统使用的功能,不是可预料的设计。 |
Data released by the Chinese government appears to underline this trend.
中国政府公布的数据似乎也反映了这一趋势。 |
Data released during the month showed that the Eurozone economy grew at 0.6% in the first quarter, above the forecasts for a 0.5% rise, underlining the positive trend currently being experienced.
这个月公布的数据显示欧元区经济第一季增长了0.6%,比预测的0.5%高,进一步显示出向上的趋势。 |
Data results were generated from the Syndicated study titled EYE-ON COMPETITIVE RETAIL .
数据结果来自于题目为“观激烈竞争的零售业”的联合研究。 |