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We also have baby food on board.

We also have a piano in the living room. 在起居室有一架钢琴。
We also have a playground in our school. 学校里还有一座运动场。
We also have a sales presence in Dubai (UAE) and Karachi (Pakistan) and sales and software development centers in Lahore (Pakistan) and Beijing (China). 我公司也在迪拜(阿联酋)和卡拉奇(巴基斯坦)有常驻销售中心,在拉合尔(巴基斯坦)和北京(中国)设有软件研发中心。
We also have a variety of methods for producing anxiety in patients with GAD. 我们还有许多方法来使GAD病人产生焦虑。
We also have a wedding agency that matches up dogs and if the female dog doesn't get pregnant, we offer artificial insemination services. said Marinho. 马里奥说:“我们还有婚礼代理服务,为狗搭桥。如果母狗没有怀孕的话,我们还提供人工受精服务。”
We also have baby food on board. 在机上我们也有婴儿餐。
We also have circumspect after service, so our products have been sold all over the world and greatly reputed by customers. 我厂负责设备安装调试和人员培训,售后服务周到,产品远销国内外,深受客商好评。
We also have equipment suppliers, which can help us to interpret advanced technology, dig out its market spread direction and to upgrade the technology level and development of the whole industry. 亦有设备供应商,以诠释先进技术,挖掘其市场拓展方向,助力整个产业的技术水平提升与发展.
We also have inspection and supervision group of Shanghai Boiler Pressure Vessel inspection and supervision House staying at the our factory to make it sure that every product is safe. 本厂设有|上海市锅炉压力容器检验所驻厂监检组是属锅检所容器监察的一个中心监察基地,台台产品进行监检出厂以确保容器的安全性。
We also have made gift fans for 2000 YEAR European Football Tournament, World Aerobatics Big Prize Competition Around Tailake, The Eigth Nationwide Sports Meet, The Sixth China Art Festival and other great activities. 我厂曾为2000年欧洲足球锦标赛、环太湖世界特技飞行大奖赛、第八届全国运动会、第六届中国艺术节等重大活动制作礼品扇。
We also have mascara designed to lengthen the eyelashes. 我们也有一些助长睫毛的睫毛膏。

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