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Boss: What is this fairy disguise? It's gonna rub off on you. And then you'll lose sight of who you really are.

Boss: There are too many spelling mistakes in this letter that you have typed. There's no excuse for that. You must use a dictionary when you are in doubt. 老板:你刚刚打印的这封信拼音错误太多,没理由这样。你没把握的时候一定要查查词典。
Boss: There's no such thing as luck on the battlefield. 在战场上可没有运气这一说。
Boss: We are also keen on truthfulness. There is no mat. 面试官:我们更讲究诚实。门口没有擦鞋垫儿!
Boss: We're short-handed, I can't give you the day off. 老板:我们人手不够,我没法给你一天假。
Boss: We? All of a sudden you're a partner? 老板:咱们?突然之间你成了合伙人了?
Boss: What is this fairy disguise? It's gonna rub off on you. And then you'll lose sight of who you really are. 这漂亮的伪装是什么?它会感染你,然后你就会看不见真正的自己。
Boss: Why is there a frankfurter behind your ear? 老板:为什麽你的耳朵后面有一根香肠?
Boss: Why'd you come back? 你为什么要回来?
Boss: Your body is brave? ! Gansu has bears holds wear-resisting? ! 老板:你身体勇吗?!甘有耐操耐磨吗?!
Boss: Your monthly gross salary will increase by $500. 你的月总收入会提高500美元.
Boss:If you do that again,I'll kick your ass. 老板:如果你再犯,我就会炒你鱿鱼。

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