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First, stop slinking away from all those nagging issues.

First, single LED is analysed and disposed approximately to build the mathmatical model, light energy of one point on screen is calculated by algebraic addition, then the distribution of light energy on the whole area of screen is deduced. 首先对单个发光二极管进行分析,对其做近似处理,建立数学模型,用代数叠加的方法来推导光幕面内某一点的光能量。
First, some light is reflected unchanged from the first layer of the surface. 第一,一部分光经过表面的第一层反射没有发生变化。
First, some of the business restructuring of recent years may have been ineptly done. 一种解释是近年来所进行的公司重组也许并未奏效。
First, standards must be set before it can be called scientific: (1) unique rules; (2) methods not confined to its own field; (3) unique instruments to process and draw out common sense in the field. 首先,经济学的科学性需要具有若干标准:(1)具有自己研究的独特规律;(2)所应用的方法超出本领域,并被其他领域所接受;(3)具有独特的加工和提炼常识的工具。
First, state-guided capitalism, in which government tries to guide the market, typically by supporting certain industries that it expects to become “winners”. 第一种是宏观调控的资本主义,这种制度下的政府会大力指引市场,其最具代表性的做法便是大笔资助某些行业以让它们成为市场中的赢家。
First, stop slinking away from all those nagging issues. 首先,停止逃避那些纷纷扰扰的纠纷。
First, take good care of yourself. When you do, there is no limit to the value you can create for all the other people in your life and your world. 首先照顾好你自己,才可以为你生命中的人,在你的世界里创造无尽的价值。
First, take notes on your work experience - both paid and unpaid, full time and part time. Write down your responsibilities, job title and company information. Include everything! 列出教育背景。包括学历和证书,专业和主要课程,学校名称,主要课程和与职业目标相关的课程。
First, take the plastic bag and turn it upside down. 首先,把塑胶袋的开口朝下。
First, teachers should tell students various contextual knowledge needed in writing. 首先,教师要向学生传授写作过程中需要的各种语境知识。
First, thanks for your coming for our sixtieth graduation ceremony of our school. 首先感谢各位长官与嘉宾拨空前来参加本校第六十届的毕业典礼。

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