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Curiously you always revenge native tongue in moments of extreme anger, and exit thing.

Curious students are a joy to teach. 学生求知的眼神是教师心中最美丽的画卷。
Curious to say, he did not know it. 说来奇怪,他并不知道那件事。
Curious, he yells: Who are you? 他很好奇的大声问你是谁?
Curiously , I had met John's new friend before. 真怪,约翰的新朋友我从前见到过。
Curiously enough,he seems to have known what we should do next. 说来奇怪,他几乎已经知道我们下一步做什么。
Curiously you always revenge native tongue in moments of extreme anger, and exit thing. 很奇怪,当你极度愤怒的时候,你总是用家乡话发彪。当然,极度兴奋的时候也是这样。
Curiously you always revenge native tougue in moments of extreme anger, and exit thing. 很奇怪,当你极度愤怒的时候,你总是用家乡话发彪。当然,极度兴奋的时候也是这样。
Curiously, I had met John's new friend before. 真怪,约翰的新朋友我从前见到过。
Curiously, Petunia knows more about the Wizarding world than she has let on to her family. 奇怪的是,佩妮对于魔法世界的了解比她向她的家人透露的还要更多。
Curiously, Soviet scientists have discovered what they call age-old instruments used in navigating cosmic vehiclesin caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. 好奇地,苏联科学家已经发现他们所说的“古代用于宇宙航行的飞车器具”,深陷在土耳其斯坦和戈壁沙漠里。
Curiously, Spotty showed up at Brownie's house alone. Barking, whining and generally pestering2 Brownie's human family. Busy with their own lives, they just ignored the nervous little neighbor dog. 奇怪的是,斯波蒂独自出现在布朗尼主人家,吠叫、哀嚎,还总是缠着家里的人,但他们忙于自己的生活,没有在意邻居家这只神经质的小狗。

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