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The review introduces the recent progress in the preparations and applications of biomorphic materials.

The review chemist evaluates the analytical procedures and validation data submitted in the NDA or ANDA. 审评化学家会对NDA或ANDA中的分析方法和验证资料进行评审。
The review committee shall reconsider the case and make a new resolution upon its revocation as mentioned in the preceding Paragraph. 审议委员会对前项撤销之事项,应重行审议及决议。
The review discusses many ways of preparing hydrazine through hydrolysis of Azine, and the effects of catalyst to yield of hydrazine by hydrolyzing azine. 摘要文中讨论了酮连氮水解制备肼的各种方法及催化剂对酮连氮水解和肼收率的影响。
The review focuses on four issues: the evolution of rural-urban segmentation and migration, explanations for rural-urban migration, the interaction between migration and labor market evolution with special attention to labor market segmentation, labor mar 综述主要的关注点有四个:(1)城乡分割和移民的演化:(2)对于农村到城镇迁移的解释;(3)迁移与劳动力市场演变的互动关系,特别是劳动力市场的分割、劳动力市场的柔性和工资差距;(4)今后进一步研究的方向。
The review has been written to introduce new developments of environment-friendly synthesis of pinacols in aqueous media, including microwave irradiation, ultrasound irradiation, solvent-free, electrosynthesis and photochemical synthesis. 摘要综述了近年来片呐醇绿色合成研究的新进展,主要包括微波、超声波、固相合成、电合成、光化学合成等新技术、新试剂在该反应中的应用。
The review introduces the recent progress in the preparations and applications of biomorphic materials. 本文结合国内外研究进展综述了生物形态材料的制备技术、材料种类以及应用情况。
The review is the study on index for formulation optimization of sustained or controlled released dosege forms in China since 1999, including the application of similarity factor and deviation. 本研究对近年来国内缓控释制剂处方优化的指标,包括相似因子和偏离度的应用进行了比较。
The review is uncritical of the violence in the film. 这篇评论对影片宣扬暴力方面未作批判。
The review makes a brief introduction to metabolism of chemicals in liver, hepatocellular apoptosis or necrosis, and some mechanisms involved in liver injury caused by drug/chemicals. 本文主要从肝脏对药物(毒物)的代谢、肝损害基本要素以及中毒性肝损害的发病机制研究等方面进行综述,以便于今后临床科研工作。
The review of the latest romance novel was a total puff piece. 那篇对近期出版的浪漫传奇小说的评论纯系吹捧之作。
The review provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 will take place after accession in each year for eight years. 第1款和第2款规定的审议将在加入后8年内每年进行。

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