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L: Ok, now you can go in.

L: No, I didn't. I took a bus. 不,不是。我是坐公共汽车去的。
L: No, no. I buy some sweets. 不,不,我是买些糖果。
L: No. I think I'll stick to sweets. 不行,我还是坚持送糖果。
L: OK. For example, the exam of TOEFL. (可以。比如说托福考试吧!)
L: Oh, Mom, you are not fair. 哎,妈妈,你对我们应当一碗水端平。
L: Ok, now you can go in. 当地人:好拉,现在你可以进去参观了。
L: On the other hand tampering with cartons can be easily detected. That would discourage people from trying their hand on such packing. 李:从另一方面讲,撬破纸板箱很容易被人发现。这就使人对这种包装不敢轻举妄动。
L: Our Certificates are made valid through the official seal and personal chop of the Commissioner. 李:我们证明书是以盖公章和局长私人章方为有效。
L: Right. This is a standard test. It consists of listening comprehension, close test and reading comprehension. The answer sheet can be checked by computers. (对。这就是一种标准化考试,它包括听力、完形填空、阅读理解,而且答题卷由计算机批阅。)
L: Scholarship is mainly merit-based. In the case of graduate school application, transcript is NO. 1 consideration. Personal background is the next. 奖学金的申请主要看成绩,尤其是申请硕士、博士学位,成绩是第一位的,然后才是个人背景。
L: Shall we get down to the packing, Mr. Smith. 李:史密斯先生,我们谈谈包装好吗?

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