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Curved rails offer resistance to the movement of the train.

Curtis Armstrong Eric Aude Lou Beatty Jr. . 柯蒂斯·阿姆斯特朗.
Curtis must get chemotherapy once every two weeks for his lung cancer. 柯帝斯因肺癌,每两个礼拜要做一次化疗。
Curtis, Gerald. The Logic of Japanese Politics. Chap. 4. 《日本政治的逻辑》第四章。
Curve Tolerance: 曲线误差(&C):
Curve shape - is used to define the falloff of the BRDF curve. 曲线弧度-通常被用作定义BRDF的效应消散范围。
Curved rails offer resistance to the movement of the train. 弯曲的钢轨阻碍火车运行。
Curves are generated by dropping a series of known weights onto a cushion sample from a specified height and measuring the amount of shock experienced by the weights as they impact the foam. 它的产生就是将一系列已知重量的重块从一个特定的高度跌落到衬垫式样上,此时测得这些重块撞击到泡沫材料上所承受的加速度。
Cuse: ...but it was a cult thing. 《双峰》是邪典片来着。
Cuse: We didn't expect that to have as much resonance as it did! 我们没想到这个设置会有这么大反响的!
Cuse: We have an obligation to do that, absolutely. 我们绝对有这个义务的,没错。
Cush and Egypt were her boundless strength; Put and Libya were among her allies. 9古实和埃及是她无穷的力量。弗人和路比族是她的帮手。

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