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They're not afraid of hark work.

They're mainly for export to earn foreign exchange. 它们主要用来出口创汇。
They're most popular among the younger generation. 这些在年轻人中流传很广。
They're much calmer when they're not bouncing off one another. 如果他们两个不混在一起的话,就会老实得多。
They're much too upstage for us these days. 他们近来对我们太势利了.
They're networking those computers together and they probably got some kind of site out on the Internet and the ability to have information flow into and out of the company across the Internet. 他们正在一起网络那些计算机,而且他们或许在英特网和能力上的外得到了某种位置让数据流动进入和之内由公司横过英特网。
They're not afraid of hark work. 他们不怕辛苦的工作。
They're not aware that such a habit would disturb others in public places. 他们没有意识到这种习惯会在公共场合干扰别人.
They're not challenging the practice of sending children off to school with some oat bran or eggs in their belly. 他们对儿童上学前用燕麦麸或鸡蛋垫底的做法毫无异议。
They're not concerned with welfare: it's all politics ! 他们并非关心福利问题,完全是党同伐异.
They're not empowered to probate the will. 他们没有权利去认证遗嘱。
They're not exactly selling like hot cakes yet, but the hotel says it has sold 20 of the 1.0 million rupiah ($110.1) hamburgers since they were launched this month. 该饭店称,尽管无法做到像普通薄煎饼那样持续旺销,但这种汉堡自本月初上市以来已经成功售出了20个。

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