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I feel very miserable!

I feel utterly zonked. 我感到精疲力竭了.
I feel very comfortable in the zephyr from the sea. 从海上吹来的和风令我非常惬意。
I feel very comfortable playing the klutz.I am a klutz. 我演笨蛋挥洒自如,因为我本来就是笨蛋。
I feel very honored to attend this conference and shall begin by introducing myself. 我很荣幸参加这次会议,并将先从自我介绍开始。
I feel very lonely without my dog. 我的狗不在旁边我就很寂寞。
I feel very miserable! 我好沮丧!
I feel very much better today. 我今天觉得非常好多了。
I feel very nervous before exams. 我在考试前感到非常紧张。
I feel very pleased to report to you that China and the United States signed a Memorandum of Understanding in terms of protecting intellectual property rights, an act that has averted a potential trade war. 例:我很高兴地向各位通报,中美就知识产权问题签署了一项谅解备忘录,从而避免了一场可能出现的贸易战。
I feel very sad to see you go. 你要走,我心里感到很难过。
I feel very strongly that Tzih-Huai's approach to dealing with dropout students takes a step toward rounding out that education. 我很强烈的觉得慈怀对待中辍学生的方式己经是朝完整教育上进一大步。

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