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Take care of your good watches.

Take care of our environment . 呵护我们的环境,与万物共享尊荣。
Take care of statistics of work attendance &leave requisitions, receiving visitors, booking tickets / hotels for employees in need etc. 负责考勤统计、请假统计、访客接待、员工酒店/机票预订等工作。
Take care of the most important item on the agenda first. If nothing else is accomplished, make sure you accomplish the most important reason for calling the meeting. 首先关注会议日程上几个重要议题。如果有事情没有能够完成,你必须确保你当初召集会议所想要讨论的几个议题都讨论完毕了。
Take care of them until the fourteenth day of the month, when all the people of the community of Israel must slaughter them at twilight. 6要留到本月十四日,在黄昏的时候,以色列全会众把羊羔宰了。
Take care of your brother. 照顾好你弟弟。
Take care of your good watches. 爱惜你的珍宝。
Take care of your health, your heart and your pocketbook. 天秤座:注意自己的健康、心脏和钱袋。
Take care of your personal needs, and maintain your sense of well being. 以考虑个人的需要为先,还要维护自己的成就感。
Take care on your way back. 回程保重了。
Take care to start slowly, as the different angle of approach will stimulate different areas of the anus. 最开始的时候一定要慢,因为不同的角度会刺激到不同的区域。
Take care when driving on this zigzag mountain road. 在这曲折的山路上开车要当心。

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