When you make some change, no matter how tiny it is, it will subtly cause some difference in the bottom of heart. |
中文意思: 当你稍做改变,不论多小的变化,都会在内心深出产生微妙的变化的。 |
When you make a mistake ,you're an idiot.
你犯了个错误,你就是个白痴。 |
When you make a mistake, you are an idiot.
当你犯一个错误时,你是白痴。 |
When you make a mistake, you're an idiot.
当你犯一个错误时,你是白痴。 |
When you make a telephone call to someone in companies or institutes, the operator usually answer the phone first and put you through to the person you want on the line.
当你打电话给公司或机构的人时,总机会先接线并帮助接通你所要找的人。 |
When you make a trade, let it be for some good reason or according to a definite plan; then do not ** out without a definite indication of a change in trend.
每做一手交易时,你都要有可以依据的理由或者明确的计划;此后,除非有明确的趋势改变的迹象,不要退出。 |
When you make some change, no matter how tiny it is, it will subtly cause some difference in the bottom of heart.
当你稍做改变,不论多小的变化,都会在内心深出产生微妙的变化的。 |
When you make these declarations, you have a specific and well-understood allusion to an assumed Constitutional right of yours to take slaves into the Federal Territories and hold them there as property.
当你们作这些声明时,你们明明是暗示宪法给你们权利把奴隶带进联邦各准州,并把他们留在那里作爲你们的财産。 |
When you make this recipe, don't stint on the butter.
当你照食谱做这菜时,要多用奶油。 |
When you make your mark in the world, watch out for the envious with erasers.
当你致力于成功时,小心嫉妒者的破坏。 |
When you manually check the correctness of a value, the tool remembers that correct value.
当你手工检查一个值是否正确时,工具会记着那个正确值。 |
When you meditate on something, you're forced to look at it from many different angles, including some you've probably never thought of.
当你冥想一些东西时,你要强迫自己从许多不同的角度去看它,包括一些你以前可能从未想到过的。 |