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Long floating clouds and green bamboo fence, Yong splendor of your peony in full bloom, the scent flavorful aroma Yi people.

Long distances between centres of pupolation, for example, often made it imperative to adapt English court structures to suit Australian conditions, particularly at the level of lower courts. 例如,在于人口居住密集的中心与中心之间的距离遥远,这常常使得它有必要采用英国式法院的组织结构形式,以此来顺应澳大利亚的形势,特别是在初级法院这一模式上。
Long enjoying a bohemian reputation, the city became a counterculture magnet in the second half of the 20th century. 市区内有40多座小山丘,延著地形起伏修筑而成的电缆车,保留19世纪古色古香的味道,别有一番趣味。
Long enough to reach the ground. 够得着地就行了。
Long experience enabled them to hammer out a correct and practical scheme. 长期地经验使他们能制订出一个正确和切实的方案
Long exposure to haze can lead to lung cancer, it added. 长期暴露在霾害中将导致肺癌,报导说。
Long floating clouds and green bamboo fence, Yong splendor of your peony in full bloom, the scent flavorful aroma Yi people. 朗月浮云,青竹篱笆,雍荣华贵的牡丹花怒放,花香浓郁,香气溢人。
Long for your voice even if criticism. 真切希望能听到您的声音,批评也好,我期待着。
Long gone is the No Tears -- We re Britishera when emotion was considered distinctly bad form. “拒绝眼泪——因为我们是英国人”的时代早已远去,那时,多愁善感被认为是很不好的表现。
Long had been in the process of the caste system which still exists today. 印度长久以来的世袭阶级今天仍然存在。
Long hair for men came in in the sixties. 男子留长发在六十年代流行。
Long hair is cool. Tying it back in a ponytail is not. 长发很酷。但将其在脑后梳成马尾辫就不是那么回事了。

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