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In the riding process, the passenger's sight is limited inside the vehicle in the overwhelming major time and cannot avoid the handle advertisement info, and this enables the advertisement effect with much more penetrability.

In the revolving restaurant at the top of Shu-du Mansion. 在蜀都大厦顶上的旋转餐厅。
In the rhythm of quartet, the function of viola is to strengthen the medium part. 摘要在弦乐四重奏中,中提琴的作用是充实中声部。
In the ribs with the cam face of regional balance, that is, static within rollers connected to its axis, but turn out not rotating tower itself. 在肋与凸轮的端面平衡区域里,即在静态范围内,滚子接通其轴,但出转塔本身并不旋转。
In the richest 20% of households, only 5% of children are severely underweight, compared with 28% in the poorest 20%—a wider gap than in countries which have higher Gini coefficients. 在最穷的20%家庭中,有28%的儿童体重严重不足,相比之下,在最富的20%的家庭中,对应的数字只有5%——这一差距要比基尼系数更高的国家更大。
In the riding events, one has to stay on the bull or bronco (an unbrokenhorse that resists training and bucks, or throws, its rider) for eight seconds. 而在骑乘项目中,骑者必须设法在野牛或野马(未被驯服的马儿,它们不但会抗拒训练,还会猛然跳起并把背上的骑士摔下地)背上停留八秒钟。
In the riding process, the passenger's sight is limited inside the vehicle in the overwhelming major time and cannot avoid the handle advertisement info, and this enables the advertisement effect with much more penetrability. 乘客在乘车过程中,视线绝大多数时间停留在车内,无法回避拉手广告信息,使广告效果更具渗透力。
In the ring he may exhibit reserve or lack of enthusiasm, but any sign of shyness is unacceptable and must be severely faulted as inappropriate for a guardian breed. 门铃响的时候,它可能表现得深沉和缺乏热情,但是作为守护犬任何害羞的表现都是不可接受的也是严重不合格的。
In the river on the left are some barges reminding us that this part of the Thames is still an important waterway and port. 这条河里有一些驳船,这提醒我们这一段泰晤士河仍然是重要的水道和港口.
In the roasting process, the cells in the beans can actually expand and pop, just like popcorn in a microwave oven. 在烘烤过程中,咖啡中的一些细胞组织甚至会爆裂开来,就像是一袋爆米花在微波炉中炸开一样。
In the rodeo, cowboys and cowgirls participate in calf roping, bull or bronco riding, and steer wrestling. 在马术竞技会上,男牛仔及女牛仔会参加的项目包括了套小牛、无鞍骑乘野马或野牛及追牛扳倒。
In the roll play, the Catering Sales associate should use the product knowledge to advice the client. 在练习过程中,宴会销售人员应运用饭店产品知识来为客人提出相应建议。

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